Excerpts from the Lars John Redberg Diaries of 1909 - 1912 of Life in South Tillamook County especially of Oretown, Oregon.

Edna Redberg very kindly excerpted these interesting portions of the Lars John Redberg Diaries and provided them to NVMS. Note that the complete diaries of Lars John Redberg spanning many years are in the Pioneer Museum in Tillamook, Oregon. They were donated by Erwin and Edna Redberg.

Typed and edited by Dean Bones.

Page 17 -  January 1909 - October 5, 1909

Nov. 1,1911 - Made our 5th attempt and failed. 5 teams left for Tillamook yesterday AM for empty cans for the cannery. The teamsters were Herbert Porter, Irve Smith, Charles Johnson, Andy Hess and Mr. Grant Dawson.

Nov. 3, 1911 - I worked at the cannery today & made a trip on the fish launch with L.E. Whiteman.

Nov. 4, 1911 - The "Della" came in today.

Nov. 5, 1911 - "Della" made an attempt to cross the bar but couldn't make it. Too rough.

Nov. 6, 1911 - "Della" went out. We made our 6th attempt at the "Gerald C's" anchor & chain and were successful. Took them to the cannery.

Nov. 9, 1911 - Very cold. Hills getting white. We quit fishing. Snowed hard this evening.

Nov. 11, 1911 - Icicles 2 to 8 inches from eaves. The "Gerald C" came in with load of cans. Wild geese have been flying lately.

Nov. 14, 1911 - Earl & I fished tonight. Caught 32 silversides and 1 chum.

Nov. 15, 1911 - Earl & I got 31. Ole & Willie 44.

Nov. 16, 1911 - Earl & I got 72 salmon, & Ole & Willie got 42.

Nov. 17, 1911- Earl & I got 31. Ole & Willie 44.

Nov. 21, 1911 - Picked apples & hauled wood.

Nov. 22, 1911 - Ole, Dell Penter, Andy Hess and I took 4 wagon loads of Japs & Chinamen from the cannery to Tillamook. Will Penter went too. He drove his horse & buggy. Arnie Arneson & L.E. Whiteman went with Dell Penter.

Nov. 23, 1911 - Came home today. Flossie & Ora Gillock rode with me.

Nov. 24, 1911 - Gertie & Jessie had dental work done in Cloverdale. Gertie had her upper teeth pulled.

Nov. 25, 1911 - Mr. & Mrs. Porter came home from their visit back east. Brought their neice, Miss Muriel Richardson, wtih them.

Nov. 27, 1911 - Ole, Herbert and I went to the cannery today & hung our nets up.

Continue to page 18, Redberg Diaries, January 2, 1910 - April 8, 1910

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